Saturday, August 18, 2012

Leave no Stone Unturned

I'm currently in Los Angeles, spending a few weeks alone while James is in Europe. I'm using this time to think deeply about what I want my life to look like, how to do that with another person, and how to cultivate happiness in my life. I've made some great great progress this week, and have realized that I have some amazing supporters in my life.

I read an article this morning that discussed the power of negative thoughts, include the usage of the word "no." The big take away was that for every negative you need 3 positives. While I certainly have some doubters and ubber realists in my life, I certainly have at least 3 people for every one negative. If you are reading this, then you are probably one of those positives in my life.

So I'm living in Los Angeles, with the man of my dreams, in a job I hate, waiting for the next part of my life to start. Then I realize, why am I waiting for happiness. I need to address my career concerns. So over the last few weeks I have started this process. I won't give away the outcome, because I don't know what it will be, but I will say that I'm on to something. My next plans include taking an anatomy class, leaving my job by the new year, and doing some teaching in the interim.

The quote that has been suggested by one friend was, "leave no stone unturned." And I would like to add, "only if it looks good." By this I mean that it is not a random process, even though it may feel like it. One must follow the spirit.

In the meantime I am off to Europe shortly. Updates from the trip when I return!

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