On Feb 14, 2010, Valentines Day, James Powell asked me to marry him at the geological site called Devil's Punch Bowl. It was a complete surprise, but perfect timing. We were both ready to let each other and the world know that this is where our relationship is going.
I have to say that the whole thing, the proposal and accepting, was less scary than I thought it would be. As a girl you see so many movies and moments about engagement and always wonder how it will happen to you. Will the ring be in my food? Will he ask me on national television? But in the end, my husband to be picked the most natural - literally in nature - way to ask, which I loved! I imagine that when you have the right person, and you've both already talked about your dreams and expectations, it makes the whole process a lot smoother and enjoyable.
About the date: as of now we are thinking of a longer engagement, maybe 2 years, so that we can both find a little more stability either academically or financially. This April James will know about his school options, which may constitute a move back across the country again. So I think after April we will set a tentative date.
So needless to say, February has been a very full month. There was my birthday on the 10th, our engagement on the 14th, and my LA Times Review on the 26th, which I'll blog about later.
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