Today I unexpectedly found myself in Cape Cod with James on the motorcycle. Let me explain. I have been considering buying a motorcycle (to be discussed in another blog). We traveled to Wymouth about a half hour south of Boston to check out this cute little dual purpose enduro bike. It was nice, but I wasn't completely sure, so since we were already south of home, we thought lets keep going. It was probably a little after 11am, and with no pressing comittments and my freedom of flexibility slowly slipping away (classes start next Wednesday), we thought we should take advantage.
I have been talking about going to Cape Cod since I moved here; excited to see the ocean and this famous area. Finally today was the day, and just in time. It was good getting there on a week day, as I hear this area gets really crowded during the weekends. With a 35 mile stretch of one lane highway, I was glad there were few people out.
The ride out got more and more beautiful the closer we got. Towards the tip of the Cape appeared sand dunes (see photo above). It was unlike any beach terrain I had ever seen. The landscape reminded me of parts of Death Valley, but with vegetation. I really wish I would have brought my camera, but I did manage to find some photos on line, which are the photos above.
A hundred plus miles after leaving the bike we checked out this morning we had hit "P-town", which stands for Provincetown. This is the furthest point on the Cape Cod Bay. This was quite a ride considering we had no plans, no side cases and no lunch. We rode up route 6A looking for a lunch spot that had some fried seafood (we all get our cravings from time to time). We found a great little place called Pepe's Wharf Restaurant. It's right on the beach with a great view of the bay.
A few interesting things about Provincetown can be found here:
I'll tell you some of the most interesting. There is a monument there called Pilgrim Monument (see photo above). This is because this town is the first place that the pilgrims on the Mayflower landed in 1602. I know, crazy huh? I thought it was Plymouth Rock, which it was, but this is where they spent 5 weeks before heading up to Plymouth Rock. Interesting stuff.
The ride back went pretty fast but it was a little long probably due to the lack of water and too much sun. That can really zap your energy, and being tired on a motorcycle is the worst. A half hour out of Boston we stopped and got coffee to pep us up. This was a good move since we hit some traffic on the way home. We finally made it home by 7pm. Sometimes you never know where the day will take you.
Another successful day trip on the moto.